Duties and Functions of the Commission
As per mandate received to the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, (hereinafter would be stated as the Commission or the CSTT) following the recommendations of the Committee and the Presidential Order issued thereafter, the duties and functions of the Commission, at present can be outlined as:
- To evolve and define scientific and technical terms in Hindi and all Indian Languages and publish technical glossaries, definitional dictionaries, encyclopaedia etc.
- To see that the evolved terms and their definitions reach to students, teachers, scholars, scientists, officers etc.
- To ensure proper usage/necessary updation/correction/improvement on the work done by obtaining feedback (through Workshops/Training programmes/Orientation programmes/Seminars).
- To encourage technical writings in Hindi and other Indian Languages by sponsoring Seminars/Conferences/Symposia on scientific and technical subjects.
- To coordinate with all states to ensure uniformity of terminology in Hindi and other Indian languages. (Through State Government/Granth Academies/University Cells/ Glossary Clubs or other agencies)
- To encourage publication of books, magazines and journals in Hindi and Indian Languages to popularize the usage of standard terminology evolved by the Commission.
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